This year Corona Virus pandemic started in China , gradually spread to various countries of the world and reached India also by first week of March 20. Because of this pandemic many thousands lost their lives. . To control the spreading of the Corona Virus, our Government announced various steps to be taken by the public.
From 25 March to 14 April 20 ( 21 days), our Prime Minister Modi announced national lockdown. Schools were also closed. In Kovalam, Parivakkam and Nehru Nagar, MENTORS evening class Tuition Centres were also closed. . During this time of staying at home, if our teachers and students try to learn something new , drawing strength from within , they and their families will be benefitted . Keeping this in view , we announced a competition . Cash prizes were announced. In this Newsletter you will find the prize winning articles highlighting their projects.
During the lockdown period , we gave paid vacation . Whatever she was doing , my wife and I shared. TV, iPhone and such devices , help me to be in touch with my family members, MENTORS friends and the world. . But I don't let these devices enslave me , by allotting time for for each and every one of my planned activities.
Through my iPhone, I keep in touch with my family WhatsApp Group . Few days back, I felt happy to read one good News item. Since this good news pertains to one of MENTORS Trustee, Ms.Kala Arora' s son Arjun and her daughter-in-law Saja, I wanted to share this news with you . How did Saja of Lebanon get married to Arjun of India ? . They first met in Sivananda Yoga Training Centre in Madurai . That meeting blossomed into love. Their grand marriage took place in Kerala, the place of their choice.
mentioned about a good news ; the headlines of that news was " Yoga Schools based on spirituality provide hope for peace in Lebanon: Sakthi Saja" This collection of news was provided by Ms.Aparna Sridhar of Centre for Soft Power . This Centre is intended to share Indian spirituality , Yoga, art, culture, language, literature, handicrafts, sports , cinema, , science and related matters with other counties .
Some Highlights from the above news:
Saja and others run about 30 Yoga Studios in Lebanon.
Recalling her childhood memories of her sitting quietly in front of a candle and meditate, Saja stated that she observed marked changes in her habits , after her attending Yoga classes twice a week. As a result she preferred vegetarian food.
It was Saja's meeting an Indian friend in France in 2013, that made her to go to Madurai , after few years, , to learn Yoga and also made her accept the name Sakthi Saja . Before going to Madurai, she says that she visited Rishikesh . There , as a result of her listening to the discourses on Bhagavad Gita and Upanishads , one day on observing the halo of light behind the head of the Swamiji giving the discourse, she realised the truth that within each living being God exists.
Saja says : " My habit is to consider the pain and pleasures of others as of my own. In the drama of life , when each is performing the assigned role , I have the habit of seeing the beauty in each one of them. Finally I wish to say that after becoming a Yoga teacher , there was some change in my living methods and I have found my path. I am able to say " No " to participate in unnecessary parties and say " Yes" to get up from sleep early during Brahma Muhurtham time and start the new day with full energy.